"High-Tech Beauty Tool All Tech Junkies Need"

"High-Tech Beauty Tool All Tech Junkies Need"

Scubby named PMD's Personal Microderm as a "high-tech beauty tool all tech junkies need". The PMD Personal Microderm is a revolutionary at-home device providing the same brilliant results as professional, in-office microdermabrasion treatments.

"The constant evolution of technology has made its way into the beauty world. We don’t need to depend on painful facials or needles to have flawless, beautiful skins." This couldn't be more true about the PMD Personal Microderm tool. "This is an at-home microdermabrasion tool that offers the same results as professional microdermabrasion treatments. It uses vacuum suction combined with a spinning disk to perform the microdermabrasion. The exfoliation removes the layer of dead skin cells which promotes the growth of new cells and leaves you with smooth, younger looking skin."

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